Upcoming meetings
22-24/05/2024 : Wroclaw, Poland
WG2 + WG3 + WG4 + MC3 + CORE
Past meetings
05-06/02/2024 : Zagreb, Croatia
WG1 + WG5 + CORE
01-02/12/2023 : Brussels, Belgium
19-20/09/2023 : Barcelona, Spain
WG3 Meeting on monumental editions
Gather and analyze information on the state of monumental editions in Europe since 2015 and their future (scientific and economic).
11-13/09/2023 : Padova, Italy
WG1 + MC2 + CORE
Annual meeting for reporting on WGs actions.
06/03/2023 : Lisbon, Portugal
WG1 + WG2 + WG4 + CORE
WG1 – During the Working Group meeting the members will focus on data obtained nationally by the partners: problems and examples of good practices, based on that deploy new indicators.
WG4 – To strength the link between academic research, experimentation and performance, and its respective discourses; to propose a shift from the “Historically Informed Performance” model to the “Historically Formed Performer”; Early Music as a tool to (re)discover repertoires and performance practices (vs. a “label of sonority”).
WG2 – Identify the projects and analyze their goals in order to suggest a share vision on how to engage with sources. Contribution to an ontology of musical works that takes into account the diversity of sources. Modalities of action with conservation institutions (national or local libraries, public or private).
13/02/2023 : Barcelona, Spain
WG5 + WG3 + CORE
WG5 – Established a detailed strategy for a new policy making of early music. A critical reading of the new documents produced by Music Moves Europe and Europe Creative will be organised.
WG3 – Analyzing the current situation of the main types of early music editions: from the so-called Monumenta musicae collections or “Denkmäler”, published at a national level, to major early music series, single-composer editions, and other types of early music editions.